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same old crap

what is this 55?

Friday, June 27, 2008

another down the train

another friend on mine seems to be going the marriage way. the path is a double flavored one - arranged cum love. and both their treading have been the same. sometimes you meet people for whom you are dumb, sometimes you meet dumb people and sometimes none are able to admit that the other is dumb. when this happens at a relatively senior unmarried age in indian context - it gets harmful. you getting kicked in the arse and still run back, pant at the slightest purr. and finally, the feline willing, decide to say the vows. nothing wrong, i say, if you get the honest fondle.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

what about one case where a dumb is declaring the couple to be dumbs ;)

6/27/2008 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

finals dekh re ho fir? spain ka ek plus point hai.. main unki side hun :P

6/29/2008 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

geetu - us bechare ki kya galti hai???

geetu - mein bi unki side hun :D matlab tu meri side hai? :D

6/30/2008 09:45:00 AM  

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